HFC Artists


ANDREA ALESSI - Early Renaissance Artist

ANDREA ALESSI - Early Renaissance Artist

We are pleased to invite you to the presentation of the monograph ANDREA ALESSI / Ranorenesansni umjetnik - Early renaissance Artist (Andrija Mutnjaković - author of text, Luka Mjeda - author of photography)...

Exhibition / Award / Monograph PORTRET HRVATSKE 2020

Exhibition / Award / Monograph PORTRET HRVATSKE...

This Exhibition shows 50 authors with one of their portraits. At the opening ceremony we presented this years Award to Walter Sirotić and presented the photo-monograph PORTRET HRVATSKE 2020 with 136...



Hrvatski fotografski centar (HFC) će početkom 2020. godine organizirati izložbu fotografskih portreta građana RH te izdati prvu monografiju PORTRET HRVATSKE 2020 kojom ćemo današnju RH predstaviti Europskoj...



Photography Exhibition of LUKA MJEDA presenting the pre-renaissance Albanian sculptor and architect ANDREA ALESSI.

Zvonimir Atletic, MOTHER TERESA 55, Marija Bistrica, 1986 View larger

MOTHER TERESA 55, Marija Bistrica

B&W negative film
Archival Pigment Photograph
1986, printed later

More details

Zvonimir Atletić met MOTHER TERESA as far back in 1977 when he first took photographs of her in her Mission in Calcutta. They have met several times since then while escorting her during her travels in Croatia and India, documenting her work and life as well as the work of her Order, Missionaries of Charity in Croatia and India. Atletić is a photographer who, most probably, has had the most frequent opportunities to document her work with the sick and the poor and his photographs show the absolute dedication of Mother Teresa to help those who are helpless and abandoned.

Atletić’s black and white photographs do not speak a thousand words. They actually do not speak at all. They are enveloped in sacred silence, silence which is the only way to open a space in one´s soul for a dialogue with one´s Maker.
Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her humanitarian work and in 1990 she was proclaimed Honorary Citizen of the City of Zagreb where she also founded one of her Houses of the Order of Missionaries of Charity.
Pope Francis elevated Mother Teresa into Sainthood on September 4, 2016 as Saint Teresa of Calcutta.

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