HFC Artists


ANDREA ALESSI - Early Renaissance Artist

ANDREA ALESSI - Early Renaissance Artist

We are pleased to invite you to the presentation of the monograph ANDREA ALESSI / Ranorenesansni umjetnik - Early renaissance Artist (Andrija Mutnjaković - author of text, Luka Mjeda - author of photography)...

Exhibition / Award / Monograph PORTRET HRVATSKE 2020

Exhibition / Award / Monograph PORTRET HRVATSKE...

This Exhibition shows 50 authors with one of their portraits. At the opening ceremony we presented this years Award to Walter Sirotić and presented the photo-monograph PORTRET HRVATSKE 2020 with 136...



Hrvatski fotografski centar (HFC) će početkom 2020. godine organizirati izložbu fotografskih portreta građana RH te izdati prvu monografiju PORTRET HRVATSKE 2020 kojom ćemo današnju RH predstaviti Europskoj...



Photography Exhibition of LUKA MJEDA presenting the pre-renaissance Albanian sculptor and architect ANDREA ALESSI.

Luka Mjeda, DOWN TOWN LA 9654, 2015 View larger

DOWN TOWN LA 9654, 2015

C – type photo

More details

€ 650.00

“Inclined even earlier to cosmopolitanism, Mjeda has this time wanted in his purposefully framed images to bring out the identity of a given town. The photographer’s previously noted interest in foregrounding the skyline, the contour onto the sky that is drawn by the individual cities and their most prominent buildings came out to the full in a bold angle from which he shot the celebrated gilt dome of Otto Wagner and the contemporary icon of consumer culture – the Playboy Building. Once again worth highlighting of the master’s already highlighted characteristics, probably partially to be attributed to his training as an engineer, are the tectonics of the frame and the tendency to take pictures of the more attractive productions of architecture. From this point of view, the exhibition can be understood as a photographic essay on the history of architecture, spanning the period from Historicism and Art Nouveau to Modernist functionalism and the exuberant bricolages of postmodernism, with the rider that Mjeda regularly manages to select angles and approaches to his compositions not previously essayed. The artist himself modestly remarks that in this photographic cycle he wanted to show the differences in the universal, but we are inclined to the view that he has actually confirmed the marked individuality of his perception, photographic production and presentation.” Darko Glavan

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