HFC Artists


ANDREA ALESSI - Early Renaissance Artist

ANDREA ALESSI - Early Renaissance Artist

We are pleased to invite you to the presentation of the monograph ANDREA ALESSI / Ranorenesansni umjetnik - Early renaissance Artist (Andrija Mutnjaković - author of text, Luka Mjeda - author of photography)...

Exhibition / Award / Monograph PORTRET HRVATSKE 2020

Exhibition / Award / Monograph PORTRET HRVATSKE...

This Exhibition shows 50 authors with one of their portraits. At the opening ceremony we presented this years Award to Walter Sirotić and presented the photo-monograph PORTRET HRVATSKE 2020 with 136...



Hrvatski fotografski centar (HFC) će početkom 2020. godine organizirati izložbu fotografskih portreta građana RH te izdati prvu monografiju PORTRET HRVATSKE 2020 kojom ćemo današnju RH predstaviti Europskoj...



Photography Exhibition of LUKA MJEDA presenting the pre-renaissance Albanian sculptor and architect ANDREA ALESSI.

Luka Mjeda, BLUE BOX 10, 1985 View larger


Color negative film
Chromogenic print
Created 1985, printed later
Signed, dated and numbered on the reverse

More details

€ 850.00

“…Luka Mjeda´s cycle „Blue Box“ is concentrated on hands, windows, breasts and roses. Blue and red, infinity and love, cold and hot in an imaginary box, a simulation of a room which separates the human being from the rest of the world, while formally enclosed predicts something precious and secretive, simultaneously attractive and risky. It is important to establish that Mjeda´s photography is not only about technical perfection. You might deduce that his photography is the extension of his mind, a hand that approaches the woman´s body as a fountain, simulating in some gesture of charity and/or possesivenness the beauty of yearning that forever fulfills the cosmic landscape. The magic of the presented works of art is recognized in it´s composition complementarity. This means that one should not just look at them superficially because they enclose a request for active “reading and reinterpretation”, enclosing a circle in which the photographer and the recipient form two poles of a simultaneously determined and fluctuating process. Reaching for the woman´s body and fish makes reference to the circular state of birth and death, beginning and ending, aspiring towards a category of metaphysical coldness which was promoted by de Chirico at the beginning of the 20th century…” Zdravko Zima

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